• Eldorado ES Library Media Center


    The library media center is an integral component of the education program at Eldorado Elementary School. Our primary goal is to teach library science, technology, information, and information literacy/research skills appropriate for students in grades 4 through 6. Students will learn about a variety of available sources of reliable information, beginning with print material found in the library and using online sources.  Exposure to educational apps and Web 2.0 technologies will be supported with field trips to local Apple and Microsoft stores for workshops and training.

    Lessons will include hands-on time in the computer labs, utilizing chromebooks (mobile) technologies, supporting online safety/digital citzenship, literacy based initiatives (annual Rockland Read-In, 25 book campaign, National Library Week, book fairs), coding using code.org, and creating content aligned with curriculum in grades four, five, and six.

    The library media center strives to be a center of collaborative learning that produces creative students who have an appreciation of literature, critical thinking skills, technology skills and a respect for others and self.