• Mission / Vision Statement


    The mission of the Eldorado Library Media program is to ensure that students, staff and community have access to and possess the knowledge and skills to effectively use information in both print and digital formats.  In doing so, the library media program supports and fosters life-long learning.

    This mission directs the school library media specialists to:

    • Provide a program that is fully integrated into the school's curriculum and is central to the learning process.
    • Provide access to a variety of information representing a wide range of subjects and difficulty levels.
    • Provide learning experiences that encourage users to become discriminating consumers, skilled creators of information, and lifelong learners.
    • Provide leadership, instruction, and consulting assistance in the design of learning strategies and the use of information and the use of information technology.
    • Promote the enjoyment of reading, listening, and viewing for users.
    • Participate in partnerships, including networks that provide access to information outside the school.
    • Promote literacy that enables students and teachers to live, work, and communicate in a democratic information society.
    • Promote innovative media services through professional growth and continuous learning.

    Assessments / Grades

    The classroom teacher determines assessment procedures for research projects.