• Welcome

    Dear Parents / Guardians & Students:

    It is my pleasure to welcome all of you to Ramapo High School, and to extend my warmest wishes for a successful school year. Ramapo has a long tradition of excellence in academics, athletics, activities, community service, and Gryphon pride.

    We encourage all students to get involved, to take their education seriously, and to be actively involved in clubs and activities.  Now is the time to map out your future by attending class regularly, completing all assignments, and challenging yourself to do the very best you can every single day. Students are expected to take responsibility for their academics and to take advantage of afterschool activities and tutoring opportunities. Please familiarize yourselves with the District Code of Conduct and RHS school rules found in the Student Agendas distributed to all students at the start of school. The primary goal of our school is to provide all students with the opportunity to acquire a meaningful education and to become college and career-ready. The RHS faculty and administration stands ready to provide a safe, nurturing, successful environment for all learners at all levels.

    Research tells us that student success is directly tied to parental involvement.  We need parents to volunteer in some capacity this year: PTSA, after school tutoring or school library are great opportunities for parent involvement at RHS.  Please help us to support our young adults by encouraging them to dress appropriately for the learning environment.  College representatives and community leaders visit us regularly, and business dress goes a long way in preparing and presenting our upper classmen/women for the post high school experience.

    I sincerely welcome your suggestions, your input, and your support, and I challenge each of you to share my vision for a successful year for all learners at all levels.  I look forward to meeting and chatting with you about your child and about all of the students at Ramapo High School and I wish each of you the very best for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year.

    Dedicated to excellence,

    Sherrill Murray-Lazarus

    Sherrill Murray-Lazarus

    Interim Principal

    The foci of ERCSD are:

    1. Literacy Across the Curriculum
    2. Explicit Instruction
    3. Pre-teaching of academic vocabulary
    4. Increasing student engagement