Karen Pinel
Dear Students and Parents,
Our motto is, “Mastery for All!” and it is my pledge to uphold high expectations for all members of the school community. It is my goal to ensure that our students continue to succeed, meeting high standards for achievement. My ongoing vision has been to create a positive, family atmosphere at Spring Valley High School, where all members of the school community feel valued and supported. Collaboration remains crucial in our dedication to providing students with the best education we can offer. We hold high expectations for our students in the areas of attendance, punctuality, preparation and participation, grades and conduct and we all serve as role models for them in these areas. In our increasingly competitive world, our students must aim high in order to be guaranteed a successful future. It is our role to support and guide them towards achieving their goals. Together we can, and will, make a difference in the lives of our children.
I invite you to attend our PTSA meetings the third Thursday of every month. Refreshments are available prior to the 7:00 p.m. start of the meeting. Also, please take advantage of my office hours. This provides an opportunity for us to privately discuss issues that are of personal importance to you and your child. In order to ensure that you receive the attention you deserve, please contact my office or e-mail me at kpinel@ercsd.org to arrange an appointment in advance. Information about school events is shared via K-12 Alerts, in addition to being posted on the website, and my quarterly newsletter, posted on the website and available in the main office, will keep you up-to-date on our accomplishments.
Karen J. Pinel
Karen J. Pinel