• Summer Learning Resources for Students

    Dear Students and Families,

    First, let me thank you for your support and understanding as we, as a nation and community, responded to the unexpected invasion of COVID-19 in March. I am very proud of the way our Hempstead students, parents, staff and community leaders handled the demands we were faced with to protect everyone as we continued to educate and feed our students during the most unusual of circumstances.

    During the summer months, I encourage our parents to frequently visit our webpage as exciting & important news will be posted regularly. Additionally, ‘Summer Keep -Up or Recovery” work will be posted to help your children retain core content.  The resources you will find below were organized by Mrs. Hudson, Hempstead’s Academic Standard Facilitator (ASF).  She assured that the resources are familiar to your children, as they have used them throughout the year.  You will find these resources are focused on math and literacy skills and organized by grade level.  Please make sure to access them on Hempstead’s Webpage.

    (Please remember,) School Items that still need to be returned: 6th grade Students who still have school-issued Chromebooks, textbooks, and library books at home, please contact the main office to schedule a return time and date. You may call 845-577-6270. K-5 students who still have school-issued library books, please contact 845-587-.... to schedule a return time & date.

    Children need a variety of experiences and conversations from the adults in their lives to grow and flourish. Go to the park, the library, or just a walk around the neighborhood. Talk and read together. All these things will help your child be ready for the next year of school.

    In closing, we fully understand your concerns about health and safety, distance learning, the importance of face-to-face instruction, parents needing to work, the economy, and all of the other unexpected consequences of not being in school or being in school in a traditional method. If for some reason, we can’t be in a traditional school situation, our goal is to find the best way to have our students safely in our building as frequently as possible to ensure the health and well-being of all. Enjoy these summer months and stay safe.

    Principal Ortiz

    Hempstead Elementary School